A ideia da criação do instagram de marketing digital veio a partir da intenção de ajudar pessoas que produzem conteúdo na internet a monetizarem a sua audiência e também porque o Guilherme gosta de marketing e redes sociais. Para isso, mais do que qualquer outra marca, a comunicação visual do instagram, se faz necessária por estar totalmente focada no ambiente digital, e de qualquer forma a marca precisa acompanhar as tendências atuais. A marca pessoal de Guilherme Boia significa uma solução criativa e disruptiva para negócios digitais e trabalha na produção de conteúdo nas redes sociais, estratégias de monetização, copywriting e etc.
The idea of creating a digital marketing instagram came from the intention of helping people who produce content on the internet to monetize their audience and also because Guilherme likes marketing and social networks. For this, more than any other brand, the visual communication of instagram,
it is necessary because it is totally focused on the digital environment, and in any case the brand needs to keep up with current trends. Guilherme Boia's personal brand means a creative and disruptive solution for digital businesses and works in the production of content on social networks, monetization strategies, copywriting and more...
it is necessary because it is totally focused on the digital environment, and in any case the brand needs to keep up with current trends. Guilherme Boia's personal brand means a creative and disruptive solution for digital businesses and works in the production of content on social networks, monetization strategies, copywriting and more...